The specializations as a lawyer are many. At the beginning of the university career as an aspiring lawyer, it is not even noticed. We find ourselves among the numerous manuals of the different branches of law to try to understand something in general. Let alone if you can make a clear and precise distinction. But then, over time (not so much), one learns to recognize which aspect of the study of the Law fascinates the most, which captures the attention and allows the individual propensities of each one’s career to emerge in the best possible way. There, understanding the difference between the different types of lawyer begins to prove useful. This is why we have chosen to write this article, it may be useful to know something more about child support lawyer.
Types of lawyer: specializations
To orient oneself within the world of lawyer specializations, a small vademecum is necessary , even the Ministry of Justice has had to express itself in this sense, issuing a decree with which it divides ten different specializations , depending on the subject: Civil right, Criminal law, Administrative law, Labor and social security law, Tax, fiscal and customs law, International law
European Union law
These names listed as such perhaps communicate little. Because something more needs to be said about each one. In fact, each point has its own further sub-branches . A few examples? The r civil law acchiude: the family law , the inheritance law , insurance law, the commercial law , and many other aspects that are key to adjust to life in civil society .
Even the criminal law is divided into other areas, categories, the main point:
Criminal law relating to the environment, urban planning and construction.
Criminal law of economics and business.
The criminal law of organized crime and prevention measures.
Administrative law, on the other hand: Law of public employment and administrative liability, Urban planning and construction law, Environmental law.
Health law
Knowing these aspects becomes very important to know which types of lawyers to turn to, or how to direct their studies in order to achieve a qualification targeted in the area of interest. In addition to the required university studies, the apprenticeship, the registration in the register, it is above all the experience that makes the difference and also further specializations that can be useful to increase the curriculum . For example, there are few universities offers first or second level university masters online , designed to give body, structure and in-depth knowledge to those who aim at a particular professional field.
Better choose wisely and generously while choosing lawyers because child’s security is very important to anyone and everyone.

Casandra spends most of her time researching new recipes and creating unique meals for her family and friends. What she learns, she also writes about and shares them with her readers who are looking for content similar to what she creates.